This post was most recently updated on May 18th, 2015

Normally, I don’t initiate conversations about certain subjects with people I don’t know very well.  I reserve those deep, philosophical talks about politics, religion or extra-terrestrials for my closest friends or family members.  But there is an alarming trend in our world today that makes me want to say a few words that some may find controversial or even offensive.

I’m tired of being told I have to be politically correct.  I’m tired of being accused of being a racist if I disagree with the policy of a president who happens to be black.  I’m fed up with being force-fed the idea that being gay is better than being heterosexual.  I’m tired of being expected to accept every other religion or so-called religion on the planet, but to keep my own religion out of anyone else’s personal space because Christianity is offensive.  And I’m tired of the idea of a real woman being portrayed in the media, television, movies and ad campaigns as a 6 foot tall eternally 23 year old with enormous (natural, of course) breasts, perfect skin, no cellulite, concave stomach who walks through life in 4 inch heels and skin tight jeans that never cause camel toe or yeast infections.

I know racists exist.  But I’m not one of them.  I disagree with certain political and social ideals because they promote an elitist, entitled attitude and disavow the principles of hard work, perseverance and personal responsibility.  I could not care less the skin color the person who spews the socialist agenda – I do not support it.  And it doesn’t make me racist.

Be gay.  Be bi-sexual.  Be whatever you want to be.  But quit telling me that I’m defective because I’m straight.  And stop telling my children that they have a choice about their gender … they are either male or female.  There is not a third choice!  And please, please, please, stop promoting the idea that it is perfectly acceptable to be a Christian if you are gay.  It’s not.  I’m sorry, but the Bible is pretty clear about where God stands on that issue.  The purpose of the human race is to procreate and same sex couples are not able to do that without outside intervention.  This fact of science and biology does not make me a bigot.

And on the topic of Christianity … I understand there are those people out there in the world – the ones who constantly brag about their piety and how much they love Jesus.  I’ve met them.  They make me feel like if I’m not thinking about, talking about or verbally promoting Jesus every second of the day that I can’t call myself a Christian.  You know what I notice the most about them, though?  For all their love of Jesus, they sure don’t seem happy.   I much prefer my type of Christian.  We’re imperfect.  We fail.  We sin.  We forget to feel grateful and humble and we question God when bad things happen.  But we don’t judge others because that’s not our job.  It’s God’s job to work all that mess out.  And so, therefore, most of us find it extremely irritating when others judge us, based solely on the adjective Christian.  Every media outlet shouts at us daily that we are supposed to embrace other religions and refrain from maligning their beliefs.  But it’s apparently okay for others to bash Christians – our beliefs, our traditions and even our holidays.  I’ve got news for you, people:  Without Christ, there is no Christmas – no Easter.  If you don’t believe in Christ, that’s fine.  But instead of trying to take Christ out of our Christian holidays and coop them for your own, you should find a holiday that celebrates your beliefs and observe it.

As for society’s idea of a perfect woman … well, we all know that’s just ridiculous.  I mean, maybe there are some pre-airbrushed examples of feminine perfection out there.  Or maybe they’re like unicorns – a myth that’s been perpetuated because someone really wants to believe.  But the truth is that most of us are not as tall/short/thin/curvy/cellulite-free/glowing/young as we want to be.  And that should be okay.  We should be celebrating our individuality rather than trying to fit into a mold that is impossible for most of us.  But the dirty secret in today’s society seems to be that true diversity just isn’t as desirable as conforming to a certain  set of qualities.


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